Dental Fillings
What are dental fillings?
Dental fillings or Restorations is the treatment done to repair any tooth decay (cavities) or done to preserve the morphology of any tooth structure.
Dental fillings are done by cleaning the decayed area of the tooth and then replacing the lost structure by dental filling that mimics the natural tooth structure.
Why do we need dental fillings?
Any tooth decay due to caries can cause severe damage to a tooth structure due to the acid produced by the bacteria. these bacteria’s attack the tooth enamel and cause the decay of the tooth structure, which if not treated in time will cause pain and sensitivity, or in severe conditions even the loss of the tooth.

Most common types of dental filling used in dentistry-
Composite fillings.
Glass ionomer cement fillings.
Ceramic fillings.
Composite Fillings
Composite filling is the most common and the most frequently use filling material in dentistry, as the material is the same color as the natural teeth. Composite is the most aesthetic filling material as it mimics the exact same color of the natural tooth.Due to its aesthetic properties composite has become the most popular filling material. Composite is created from resin and has strong durable property, which makes composite filling last longer. Composite material easily blends with your teeth and create a very strong bond with the natural teeth. Due to its aesthetic properties, it is very popularly use for cosmetic purposes. Composite contains no harmful substance or causes chemical reaction leading to any heath problems which is another advantage of composite fillings.
Glass ionomer cement fillings
Glass ionomer cement filling materials are made from fine glass powders and acrylic acids. They make a chemical bond with the tooth surface; they also release fluoride for a very long period of time. They are mostly used for low stress areas. they also have some what similar color to a natural tooth, and was frequently use before composite fillings were discovered.
Ceramic Fillings
Ceramic fillings are the fillings that are created usings porcelain material. Ceramic fillings usually refer to the inlays and onlays. Ceramic fillings are mostly tooth colored fillings and they easily fulfill the aesthetic and cosmetic purpose of a filling material. Ceramic fillings don’t easily get stained, due to there tough nature they resist abrasion as well.
Ceramic fillings tends to last longer that the composite fillings.